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How did you get started in astrology? When did you decide to devote your life to it?  
I started in astrology when I was a teenager as a method of understanding myself and the people around me. I studied various forms of psychology and astrology seemed like a good compliment. I devoted my life to it early on, but didn’t devote my career to it until four years ago. 

What are you currently reading? 
Elevating Child Care by Janet Lansbury (I’m a mom)

What’s your wakeup ritual? 
I usually meditate for 11 minutes, then write a gratitude list. I then make a list of five things I need to do for the day and five things I want to do in my life. If my 15 month son is still sleeping, I pull cards and maybe some quotes. It’s then baby time for the next hour or so. 

What’s one thing people don’t know about you? 
I spend most of my free time on boats. The Ocean has always felt like my true home, I’m pretty sure I was a Pisces in my former life. 

What’s inspiring you in life right now? 
My son. He reminds me to be more present, put down my devices, and look at the world though new eyes. 

What book should everyone read? 
The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton or Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson 

What’s your astrological sign?

What message is the Universe sending you lately? 
So many…the main one is to breathe and enjoy the ride. 

What accomplishment are you most proud of? 
Making it through pregnancy and birth, while staying on track with the monthly workbooks and keeping the business together.  The Moon did not care I was pregnant- ha!

What does a femininity mean to you? 
Femininity is an energy that all beings hold. It’s the part of us that is rooted in intuition and can feel truths. When we act from this place we don’t need proof and complicated analytics. We just need to feel and trust the part of us connected to the entire Universe. Femininity is a powerful force the teaches us to receive energy and harness it to create our life through vibrational attraction. 

Your affirmation for today?
I am grateful for the life I created. 

What message do you want to tell the world?
Take the leap, whatever it is, just go for it and allow the pieces to fall into place, they always do. 

What’s your favorite quote? 
Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.” ― Albert Schweitzer
What advice would you have given yourself 5 years ago? 
Just keep going, you’re doing it.