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Full Moon Rituals

Full Moon Rituals



   Full Moons are the time when the moon is literally in full bloom- at its highest potential. You may notice that a lot of the seeds you planted during the new moon have manifested or started to take shape.  The new moon is when you plant your seeds… cast your spells… set your intentions and wishes. 

We will get to my full moon rituals in a little bit, but first let's take a look at the moon herself during this time of transformation.



   Full moons represent the culmination of energy: fruition, completion and celebration.  They also symbolize releasing and shedding the old, in order to pave way for a whole new cycle. 

   The full moon increases psychic and emotional sensitivity, so many of us feel its effects greatly.  Even in the days leading up to the full moon, while it can feel overwhelming to deal with the intense energies it brings up, learning to harness the power of this magical time can help us not only better manage everything that comes up, but create powerful shifts in our psyches and our lives.


   Think of a full closet- what do you do when you want to make space? You have to discard some of your clothing. Only if you are ready refresh your wardrobe with new clothing and styles. If not, you want to hang on to every thing that's in there, which is fine, but I can GUARANTEE that there is stuff in there that you don't wear.


   Let's be honest. There is a lot, just hanging there taking up space, that isn't serving you. I can GUARANTEE there is an outfit out in the world that could serve you better, and take you even further on your journey to your goals and dreams, and ultimately to the absolute highest version of yourself.



   Let that thought be your motivation for every single day, every single moment (It is for me at least!)
I will become the greatest version of myself. 
I am becoming the greatest version of myself….
I AM the greatest version of myself. 


   What is your greatest version? What does he/she look like? How does he/she feel? What personality traits do *you* (in your greatest version) have? Is this person confident? Is this person that you are striving to be successful? What does your life look like? What are you doing, where are you going? What do you look like physically? What clothes are you wearing? How are you treating the people in your life? What are you doing to give back, to make a difference in this world? Are you sharing your gift/skills/art to the world?


   Look at the people in your life… what are they like- surrounding you- in your greatest version? If you are confident, beautiful, humble, grateful, loving, strong,
successful, etc. then they must be too! So see them. Feel your life in your 
greatest version… feel the people around you. Feel the feelings, the beauty, the love, the complete and utter bliss. HOW GOOD DOES THAT FEEL, HONESTLY ??!?!


   Paint this picture in your mind. Maybe you have never done this before… maybe this vision needs a little time to crystalize and develop. But trust me, once you develop this vision, watch how fast you start becoming more and more and more… like her or him. You will be shocked. The more you see this version of YOU in your mind, the more you merge with her or him. One day you will meet this person and you will be so proud. You see we have to SHED THE LAYERS to become this person. This person you see IS 100% YOU.


   You have become something else because you put on some layers and some masks- but that's ok!!!!  The great news is, you can go back to your highest version, and develop her/him. I am so excited for this journey for you!!!!! There is nothing in this world you can buy, recieve, do, get, or manifest that is more satisfying than this… trust me! 





   Here's a list of rituals I do around the time of the full moon that have really helped me along my journey.  Hope you enjoy :)


1.   If you are a goddess with crystals- clean and have them ready to charge with intention.  Place them out on the earth and under the moon...  Let them bathe for a few hours in morning sunlight. Many crystals like Amethyst, Aquamarine, Citrine, Fluorite, Rose Quartz, and Smoky Quartz will fade in direct sunlight so it is best to charge crystals just during sunrise. 


2.  Do something soothing and nurturing for yourself on the day of the full moon. This could be something as simple as getting your nails done, getting a massage, etc etc. Make sure you give yourself self care- whatever that means for you. This could be a long yoga class. It could be a hour long guitar sesh… I don't know what it is for you, but do it. 


3.  Take it up a notch, and take a bath. Guys, yes you too. And really get into it. Break out the epsom salts (epsom salts are a major detox tool. They remove toxins which are expelled through your skin, your largest organ of the body, and they also dispel any negative energy that's hanging on.  This cleanses your aura). I like to light a bunch of candles and put flowers by the bath or rose petals in the water. Ohhh yes.



4.  Light some sage and cleanse your home with it. When it starts smoking, wave it around and over your head, neck, and shoulders.  Line the outside of your body. (I do this pretty much every day though, honestly…). It removes any lower energies which have attached to your aura. It also kills bacteria… so bring it with you to hotel rooms FYI. (Look this up- there are articles on it.) Honestly they should burn it on planes before they take off instead of the chemicals they spray!!!! 



5.  Get out your pen and paper. On one sheet, write down anything you would like to let go. ANY AND ALL negative belief systems about yourself. This is completely personal. Some of the things people say to themselves internally and even vocally are disturbing. You meet people who want relationships and they say “Will I ever meet a guy? No one likes me... or I can't get a girl." Bullshit. YES you can. You're freaking incredible, but you will NEVER manifest a relatiopnsjp if you are constructing your reality with those statements or thoughts. How about “I am fat, big boned, and I'll never lose the weight." Good luck losing any weight with those beliefs about yourself.

   What do you want to be? Is it fit? Then replace it with “I am fit and at my ideal weight” or whatever resonates with you. These are just common ones I hear from people a lot. Also people talk about money and say things like, “I can't afford… I won't be able to afford….” Ahhhh these ones make me cringe. WHY! Why would you want to pitty and lower your standards like this with these types of victim mentalities?! Replace with “I am proserprous. I am financially free. I love paying my bills, damnit!” Haha, but for real. Get all of it out.



6.  Write down traits you want to let go.  If you want to be more confident then why are you hanging out with people who lack confidence? That doesn't make any sense, does it? Replace all of the things you want to let go of with the opposite. Write down anything you need to just get OUT. Clean your garden, there are weeds in it.

   That's what the full moon is all about. What happens if you don't sweep your home? The dust piles up. You are walking around in the filth, sneezing, with your body and mind begging you to PLEASE clean it. The trash is overflowing, the weeds have taken over the lawn. Get it OUT! At the end of the paper write something like, “I now release all that no longer serves me for total healing, purification and transmutation, for my best and highest good.” BOOM.


7.  Find a safe place, preferably outside, where you can burn these papers filled with everything you would like to let go. Burrrrrrn baby, burn. And do it with soooo much love! Be so grateful for those things, because like an alchemist, you are using those things as FUEL for your future manifestations, life and the future YOU in your greatest version. 



8.  Stare at the moon. Appreciate it. Send love to her. She will send it right back. She's amazing like that. Talk a moonlight walk. I also highly recommend doing this barefoot on the sand or ground… even if you are just sitting outside. Connecting with the actual Earth is beyond healing. We have gotten so far away from the simple truths of this planet and how we can connect, heal, and stay vital.




9.   Close your ritual with a moment of gratitude.  A simple thank you to Mother Earth, and a thank you to yourself for having this moment and taking the time to grow to your fullest potential.



   These are just a few things that I incorporate into my full moon rituals, but please do what resonates best with YOU ! If something sounds great, try it! Or don't!  Of course a meditation is always good, and that goes with anything. Just do what feels right for you… :)



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  • Katie

    Thank you for sharing your rituals! Would love to hear about what you do for the new moon and meditation in general. You need to write a book! ?

  • Lauren

    This has been one of my favorite reads on moon rituals. I’ve wanted to learn more. Will you do a new moon ritual post to compliment this one? Any books or blogs you recommend? Thanks!!

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